viernes, mayo 15, 2009

Swine Flu in Mexico - The Real Thing

Swine Flu in Mexico - The Real Thing

Video demostrativo de la situacion real de puerto vallarta, en cuanto a las actividades de la ciudad y el status en torno a la Influenza, por favor ayudenos a posicionar este video calificando el video, necesitamos revivir la actividad economica de la ciudad y demostrarle a la gente la realidad de que aqui no hay influenza y que hagan sus investigciones por su cuenta.

A Demostration video about the reality of Puerto Vallarta and the swine flu, there's people coming. The activities are all running fine, but we need more people or we are all going to lose our jobs, don't be afraid, everything is fine here in mexico. Also help us to rate this video and improve the visits of it. share it and come to PV we will love to have you here.


El dia 15 de mayo, Estados Unidos y Canadá retiraron la alerta de viaje - como consecuencia de la influenza H1N1 - para aerolíneas y cruceros que viajen a México. Observa las reacciones de huéspedes que se encontraban en Puerto Vallarta, mientras disfrutan de la vida nocturna, antros y restaurantes.

On May 15th the travel alert - as a consequence of the swine flu H1N1 - for air and cruise ship services into Mexico was lifted by the United States & Canada governments. Watch the reactions from several guests in Puerto Vallarta, as they are enjoying the night life, clubs and restaurants.

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